Text Caseのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用「Text Case」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- Christopher R Hannah
- リリース
- 2018年7月28日
- サイズ
- 8.49 MB
- 価格
- ¥120
- カテゴリ
- ビジネス・仕事効率化 ファイル・ドキュメント管理
- ダウンロード
Text Caseの順位推移表
「Text Case」関連アプリ
App Storeより引用Text Case is a simple utility that allows you to convert any text into various different formats.
It comes packed with an action extension that lets you select text anywhere in iOS, tap the Share button, and then you’ll find the “Convert Text” action. This will show you a preview of all available formats, and a simple tap on one of those will copy it to your clipboard, and you’ll be returned to the original app.
The available formats are currently:
- Title Case (In 4 different styles):
- Associated Press (AP)
- American Psychology Association (APA)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)
- URL Encoded
- URL Decoded
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Capitalise
- Capitalise Words
- Sentence Case
- Reversed
- Strip HTML
- Camel Case
- Snake Case
- Pascal Case
- Kebab Case
- Hashtags
- Mocking Spongebob (This one is for fun)
All formats are available to be used with Siri Shortcuts. Every time you copy or share the result of a text conversion, iOS will be made aware and can suggest these actions to you in the future. You can also manually add a format to Siri by going tapping on Settings, and then the "Add to Siri" button at the bottom.
And of course you can choose to enable or disable any of the formats, and also reorder them to your needs!