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App Storeより引用Draw perfect, resolution-independent lines with SketchBook® Ink. This easy-to-use pen & ink drawing app enables you create amazing line art and export high-resolution images directly from your iPad.
Using SketchBook Ink is as easy as opening the app, picking an ink style, and drawing. You’ll find the simulated pressure sensitivity mimics a natural pen-like drawing experience, and provides fine control for your line art. Zoom in and out without worrying about pixilation because your lines are resolution-independent.
Key features:
• Full screen workspace keeps the interface out of your way and keeps you in the creative zone
• Color editor and color picker with tap-hold customizable palette
• Seven preset ink styles with different line weight and behavior and two eraser types
• Layers, including the ability to import a photo into a layer for reference (great for tattoo artists)
• Gallery to store works-in-progress
• Export 12.6 MP PNG files to the Photo Library or export 101.5 MP PNG files to Dropbox
Draw perfect lines with SketchBook Ink, and tag us when you share! Visit www.sketchbook.com for support or more information.