Litchi for DJI Dronesのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用「Litchi for DJI Drones」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- リリース
- 2015年12月21日
- サイズ
- 203.42 MB
- 価格
- ¥2800
- ダウンロード
Litchi for DJI Dronesの順位推移表
「Litchi for DJI Drones」関連アプリ
App Storeより引用Unlock the full potential of your DJI Mavic / Phantom / Inspire / Spark with Litchi, everyone's favorite autonomous flight app.
Compatible with: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom/Pro, Mavic Air/Pro, Phantom 4 Normal/Advanced/Pro/ProV2, Phantom 3 Standard/4K/Advanced/Professional, Inspire 1 X3/Z3/Pro/RAW, Inspire 2, Spark.
Purchase Litchi today and get a 30% off coupon towards your subscription, exclusive to Litchi pilots, refer to for more info
Feature highlights:
- Virtual Reality mode compatible with most mobile VR goggles such as Freefly VR, Durovis, Homido, Cardboard etc
- Move the gimbal/aircraft with your head in VR mode
- Track mode: the aircraft can track any object you select on the video preview, you can also Orbit around the tracked object or have the aircraft autonomously follow the subject
- Panorama mode: easily shoot horizontal, vertical and spherical panoramas
- Focus mode: easily keep focus on a subject while flying your aircraft
- Orbit mode with advanced settings and real time controls
- Ability to pre-plan Waypoint missions without being connected to the aircraft
- Waypoint missions will continue even when signal is lost
- Ability to plan waypoint missions on a desktop PC/Mac at, missions can then be synced and executed with Litchi
- Automatic mission sync across all your devices when logged in to your Litchi account
- Draw waypoint missions with the pen tool
- Setup classic Waypoint missions as well as Cable Cams, Selfies and more
- Waypoint mode supports multiple Points of Interest
- Customizable Bezier curves in Waypoint mode for smoother videos
- 6 different waypoint actions (Stay for / Take Photo / Start Recording / Stop Recording / Rotate Aircraft / Tilt Camera)
- Automatic gimbal control (Focus POI and Interpolate)
- Take manual control of the aircraft during the mission to play/replay the mission on the fly including gimbal movements
- Use the Panorama preset to easily shoot a horizontal panorama at waypoints
- Custom RC keys functions allowing you to create missions as you fly them and more
- Load and Save your missions
- Livestream your drone's video feed to Facebook
- Stream the video feed to a nearby device running the Litchi Vue app (for USB-based drones)
- Record your iOS device screen at the tap of a button
- Human readable flight logs, can be automatically uploaded to Airdata UAV
- Voice feedback for important warnings
- All camera settings are included
- Automatic video recording
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