Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Pathのスクリーンショット

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「Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path」スペック・仕様

The Fool's Dog, LLC
24.24 MB

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App Storeより引用
Integrating art, science, and spirituality, Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path show us geometry expressed in the forms of nature. Intricate geometrical forms repeat throughout nature, in microcosm, such as the spiral of sunflower seeds, and macrocosm, such as spiraling galaxies in space. These cards embody the ancient idea that art, science, and spirituality are not separate disciplines, but rather, different expressions of eternal truth.

Working with these cards brings this inclusive worldview into our busy modern lives. The serene and inspiring images balance our energy fields, and heighten our resonance. The wisdom and beauty contained in the cards sparks insight into life’s challenges, and acts to restore harmony within and without.

This app contains the 64 original full-color images and comprehensive guidebook, which has commentary on each card. The artist and author, Francene Hart, is an internationally recognized visionary who has been working with sacred shapes since the 1970s. Also the author/artist of Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck, Francene Hart conducts workshops on mandalas, creativity, and sacred geometry from her home base in Hawaii.

*Intuitive, elegant interface is easy for beginners and experts
*Gorgeous full screen, high-resolution card images
*Full support for all current iOS devices
*Sophisticated journal
*Includes full and unabridged book
*11 spreads built in
*Design your own layout with Free Form
*Allow reversed cards or not
*Option to use Major Arcana only
*Zoom in to enlarge card details
*Share reading via email, Facebook, and Twitter
*Animated shuffle & cut
*Optional voice prompts
*Customize with your own card meanings & reading cloths
*Many adjustable settings
*Book and card meanings available in English only

Unlock the power of sacred geometry! Eternal truths are expressed in the forms of nature. Access the deep wisdom expressed in form today, through Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path!



