

Spy Video Frontのスクリーンショット

App Storeより引用
  • Spy Video Front | スクリーンショット

「Spy Video Front」スペック・仕様

Igor Carrasco
0.91 MB
1 / 5

Spy Video Frontの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
Recording starts automatically once you click "Record 640x480" or "Record 352x288"
To save the recording simply exit the App by clicking the Home button.

You can find all the recordings in App library, from there you can copy to the camera roll or directly to the PC/Mac by WiFi.

Keep in mind that for longer videos the app takes some seconds to copy the video to the camera roll.
One hour video may take up to 1 minute and a half to copy to the camera roll!
Make sure you have enough free space, one hour video in 640x480 quality takes around 1.5GB space
There is a simple Video Player in the App library but all movies there play in portrait mode to watch the video properly you should copy it to the camera roll or to the PC/Mac.
What is this app good for?
It is good to record video without those around you knowing. As soon as you enter the app you only see a dark screen as if the iPhone/iPod was locked.

-How can I tell if it is recording?
As soon as you open the app it starts recording, it may take 2 or 3 seconds to start, you hear a small sound and see the camera opening discreetly.
While it is recording you see "Recording..." in a small font, not very noticeable but is there because of privacy concerns.

-What if I don't want to hear any sounds?
Just flip the mute switch on the iPhone and the start/save/stop recording sounds won t be heard.

Have fun recording under the radar videos!

Note: If you want an app which uses the rear camera instead download Spy Video Lite, here is the link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spy-video-lite/id422366268?mt=8&ls=1

Note: If you want an app which uses the rear camera and takes photos instead download Spy Photo Pro, here is the link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spy-photo-pro/id445242273?mt=8&ls=1

Note: If you want an app which uses the front camera and takes photos instead download Spy Photo Front, here is the link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spy-photo-front/id445242291?mt=8&ls=1

Want an App that does everything the above Apps do, also records sounds and with more features? Get the Spy Pro here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spy-pro/id597877101?ls=1&mt=8



