

Annotate PDF, Sign and Fill PDF Formsのスクリーンショット

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「Annotate PDF, Sign and Fill PDF Forms」スペック・仕様

Mindspeak Software (Pvt) Limited
9.38 MB

Annotate PDF, Sign and Fill PDF Formsの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
This app allows you to read and annotate your PDF documents, fill out and/or Sign PDF Forms, write comments and notes, highlight text and maintain both the annotated and original versions of your documents or eBooks.

You can get documents from any place you may need. PDF files from desktop computers, email attachments, documents on the Dropbox and even from other iPhone applications could be accessed with 'Open-in' feature.

The app maintains both the original and annotated versions of the app so that you can keep and share version of the document you want to.

With this app you can:

* Highlight text
Mark important points in documents, books, journals you want to review.

* Fill Forms
Fill out PDF Forms created in any app.

* Sign and Send PDF Forms
Sign Forms on your iPhone or iPad and email it. Very useful in situations when you have to fill out or sign a form but you do not have a printer, scanner or fax available.

* Add Comments or Notes
Add comments or notes to the text you read. Mark important points.

* Save Multiple Bookmarks
Bookmark pages in the PDF documents or books.
See all your bookmarks and easily jump to any one.

* Underline and Strike-Through words
Mark-up errors and emphasize important sentences.

* Print PDFs to Wireless Printers
Using this app, you can print PDF documents to any AirPrint capable wireless printer in your wifi network.

* Search Keywords
The app allows you to search keywords in the documents easily

* Thumbnail View and Easy Scrolling
The app includes a superior PDF viewer that shows a thumbnail view of pages and let you to easily scroll or jump to any page.

* Table of Contents
You can jump to any specific page from the table of content of the document

What you Can Do:

+ Read and Annotate PDF Documents and Books
One of the best PDF viewers on the iPhone.
It opens large files. Download and Read PDF documents and Books even when you are not connected to internet.

+ Copy Files From Mac or PC via Wi-Fi and USB
Use iTunes file sharing to transfer files directly to your iPhone via USB cable. Also you can connect to the iPhone running this app via Wi-Fi and operate it like a wireless flash drive. No additional software is required.

+ Save Email Attachments
Open attachments directly from the Mail app. Also, you can forward email with attachment

+ Share Files With Your Friends
Email files directly with all annotations preserved.



