Daily office workout reminders & exercises to stay healthy and relieve stress with HealthKit by OfficeHealthのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用「Daily office workout reminders & exercises to stay healthy and relieve stress with HealthKit by OfficeHealth」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- Ben Novak
- リリース
- 2015年5月27日
- サイズ
- 34.9 MB
- 価格
- ¥120
- ダウンロード
Daily office workout reminders & exercises to stay healthy and relieve stress with HealthKit by OfficeHealthの順位推移表
App Storeより引用Exercise at work with daily reminders that help your posture and relieve stress. Form a new habit with our work health timer now! HealthKit supported.
### Survive an Office Job with smart office-friendly 1-min workouts! ###
► Office Dwellers rejoice! We have arrived ;) ◄
According to medical researches, 5 or more hours of sedentary sitting, is the health equivalent of smoking a pack and a quarter of cigarettes. Yikes!
► If you’re reading this screen right now,
Are you sitting down? How long have you been sitting?
Science says The Healthiest Way to Survive a Sedentary Job is to Stand up every 20 minutes. We remind you to stand and much more.
► OfficeHealth reminds you to take breaks at chosen intervals, with office-friendly smart workouts. Stop trying to wake up at 6am every morning for a short workout and spread it in your entire day!
Start our office health training program and you’ll feel the difference right away!
• Set up reminders every so often to do an office workout (up to 1 minute).
• Choose your reminder sounds.
• Over 100 random office friendly workouts!
• Keep track of your Health Score and burned calories.
• Create a healthy habit that will improve your day
• HealthKit Integration supported
Remember the days when “work activity” meant manual labor with a side of blood, sweat, and repetitive tears?
Neither do we.
These days it seems we’re more likely to log hour after idle hour with our bums glued to our seats. And while you may be an Excel champ by day and gym rat by night, recent research suggests that the recommended 30 minutes of cardio five times per week may not undo the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle . So what’s a worker chained to his or her desk to do? Luckily short bouts of aerobics, strength exercises, and stretching in between conference calls and Gchats can help improve fitness levels and heart health . While these deskercises, or desk exercises for the cubicle-bound, won’t promise Olympic mile times or six-pack abs, they might just improve strength and burn a few extra calories to boot. So whether it’s Powerpoint, Photoshop or emails on that to-do list, we’ve got some great office-friendly exercises for a healthier (and happier!) workday.
Relieve stres with workouts and daily reminders, it's not just about weight loss or losing those extra pounds, it about improving your posture and being healthier.
Create a healthy habit with smart breaktime, stop sitting at your chair all day long. Create a daily reminder to stretch or to workout.
Achieve a new office healthy habit with a constant reminder / timer.
Workout now! :)
Calories in this app are approximate. The information provided on this app does not replace the relationship that exists between patients and their physicians or other healthcare or trainer professionals.
This app may include features that promote physical activity. Consider the risks involved and consult with your medical professional before engaging in any physical activity. OfficeHealth is not responsible or liable for any injuries or damages you may sustain that result from your use of, or inability to use, the features of the app.
* P.S - Follow us on twitter for daily health tips from Coach! :)