Progwhiz Hex Editorのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用Progwhiz Hex Editor のアプリレビューを投稿する
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「Progwhiz Hex Editor」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- Mark Raymond
- リリース
- 2016年4月14日
- サイズ
- 6.3 MB
- 価格
- ¥360
- ダウンロード
Progwhiz Hex Editorの順位推移表
「Progwhiz Hex Editor」関連アプリ
App Storeより引用This Hex Editor is versatile yet very powerful.
1. Text Search/Replace
2. Hex Search/Replace
Text wildcard Search & Replace
e.g. HEL? would find all words that begin with "HEL"
e.g. HE?P would find all words that begin with "HE" and end with P
Hex Pattern Wildcard Search & Replace
e.g. 55??AA would find all Hex patterns that start with 55
then an unknown hex value followed by AA
e.g. 55??AA??BB would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown 8bit hex value followed by AA, then an unknown hex value followed by BB
4Bit Search/Replace Feature (*New*)
e.g. 5???AA??BB would find all Hex patterns that start with '5' then an unknown 4bit hex value and an unknown 8bit hex value followed by AA, then an unknown 8bit hex value followed by BB