Exif Editor and Viewerのスクリーンショット

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「Exif Editor and Viewer」スペック・仕様

Exif Editor and Viewerの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
Exif Editor supports viewing and modification of EXIF data of your pictures. EXIF tags can reveal information you do not want to share such as your position, captured device information, or information about tools which were used to enhance the picture. Use Exif Editor to remove, modify, and add individual or multiple EXIF tags.
Exif Editor also supports copying of EXIF data between image files. This can be for instance useful if your photo editing app removes or alters your picture's EXIF tags.

*** Important ***
Please grant EXIF viewer location service (which is asked when opening an image the first time). Location service is required to load EXIF location data and for map visualization.

Features include:
- Add, modify, remove EXIF tags individually
- Modify location data using Maps view (moving markers)
- Copy EXIF tags from existing files
- Copy EXIF tags to clipboard (e.g. for easy sharing by email, and other apps) *NEW*



