

Wisely : Camino Primitivoのスクリーンショット

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「Wisely : Camino Primitivo」スペック・仕様

Michael Matynka
34.71 MB

Wisely : Camino Primitivoの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
Welcome to Wisely!

Built from the same up to date database as the other Wise Pilgrim Apps and Guidebooks, 'Wisely' was designed to fill the two most requested needs for pilgrims:

Offline Mapping: Download the maps to your phone while you have an internet connection, and enjoy them while you are on the trail. The offline maps are designed for the outdoors and are rendered to show the elevation changes along the route. Map markers include all cities, 900+ accommodation options, notable landmarks along the way, and notices about deviations and alternative routes along the way. A click on the pin brings up a description of the route, distances, services available in any given place and accommodation details.

Online Booking: Making reservations for the night is now much easier. Every city that has a bookable place to sleep includes a direct link on booking.com. Likewise, every accommodation option that is bookable online includes one as well. Finding a place to sleep, and finding it on the map, just got a whole lot easier.

Please note that this app requires the additional download of the maps, which are about 200mb in size. There is no way around this, an offline map is an offline map.

Also, note that this app is in rapid development. This means that updates to it will be frequent over the next 6-12 months as minor bugs are squashed and features are added. These updates will NOT require you to re-download the maps. They will deliver additional content and features.

Please remember that this is version 1 of the 'Wisely' series of Mapping and Booking apps. Go gentle on the reviews and please please please send me bug reports so that the app can be made better. You're the best!

No In-App Purchase. No signup. Just goodness.



