FocusFinder DoF Calculatorのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用「FocusFinder DoF Calculator」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- Lukas Schmidt
- リリース
- 2015年1月16日
- サイズ
- 57.17 MB
- 価格
- ¥150
- ダウンロード
FocusFinder DoF Calculatorの順位推移表
「FocusFinder DoF Calculator」関連アプリ
App Storeより引用FocusFinder quickly and precisely calculates and shows the Depth of Field and the Field-Of-View of a photo or video. This allows you to take even better pictures and let’s you achieve stunning effects like the perfect bokeh for a portrait or a perfectly focused landscape shot.
You can enter the values quickly with the sliders, or manually, should you need more precision. The graph displaying the depth of field will be updated live, so you can immediately estimate the effects of your camera’s settings. Presets allow you to save often used configurations.
Focusfinder has a class-leading visualization: All values calculated are clearly marked and displayed. This includes:
- length of your depth-of-field
- near and far ends of the sharp area
- hyperfocal distance
- angle and width of your field of view (in FoV-mode)
On top, FocusFinder calculates and shows the size of the blur circles for any distance, visualizing the blur effect for parts of your image.
Further Features include:
- Included Database - almost all cameras on the market today are available, and we will add yours if it’s missing *
- You can add multiple cameras and switch quickly between them
- Precision modes allow you to customize the calculations to your situation (e.g. High-Definition Stills, Video, Crops)
- Landscape mode for even more precision
- Support for metric and imperial units
- Background pictures (only on iPhone) to visualize the current distance range
We are never done improving FocusFinder, and already working on the next update for you!
* Drop us a hint with the feedback form inside the app, and we will add it within 48 hours!