

Note 3Dのスクリーンショット

App Storeより引用

「Note 3D」スペック・仕様

Rafal Kopiec
64.12 MB

Note 3Dの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
I was looking for an easy to use 3D editor for iOS for a while, but I couldn't find anything. So, I made Note 3D. By relying on moving the iOS device to move around the scene you're creating, this frees up the screen to be used for other things. It's like a sketchpad, but instead of just drawing on the screen, you can draw in the third dimension too. Great for mindmaps, as well as 3D prototyping.

Any drawing made in this app can be sent to any one of your friends using a generated SHARECODE, for them to explore, add on to, and even send back. Since inception, Note 3D has started to grow into something larger - becoming the most fully-featured 3D ecosystem on iOS.

Any drawing created within this app can be exported as a Collada (.dae) 3D model, and any .OBJ, .STL, .USDZ (and many others) file can be imported into your scene. I've built in Google's Poly warehouse right into the app too - letting you explore creations uploaded to poly.google.com by other users. In this way, it behaves like the warehouse on Sketchup.

The new GIF generator is the basis of Note 3D's mini social stream. An image is often not enough to show a 3D rendition or idea, and a video file is heavy. So, Note 3D takes advantage of .gif technology to communicate 3D ideas easily, without needing a collaborator to open a 3D file. If necessary, the 3D file can be sent to another user through a multitude of ways - SHARECODE or EXPORT.

The stream is unbiased, and each post only has a lifespan for 24 hours - so you can be assured there will always be something new to see and draw inspiration from.

Stay creative.

November 2018

iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.
iPhone SE.
iPad Pro (9.7, 10.5 or 12.9)
iPad 2017+
iPhone 8 and 8 Plus.
iPhone X.
iPhone XS & XSMax.

Apple A9 chip or later (those devices).



