SciLine: Scientific & Engineering Calculatorのスクリーンショット
App Storeより引用「SciLine: Scientific & Engineering Calculator」スペック・仕様
- 開発者
- Jacob Parker
- リリース
- 2017年3月29日
- サイズ
- 18.2 MB
- 価格
- 無料
- ダウンロード
SciLine: Scientific & Engineering Calculatorの順位推移表
「SciLine: Scientific & Engineering Calculator」関連アプリ
App Storeより引用SciLine is a fully-featured scientific calculator that lets you write your equations as you would on paper. Fractions look like fractions, exponents look like exponents, and square roots look like square roots.
We’ve built in over 50 physical constants for easy access: from Boltzmann’s constant to the mass of a proton.
The symbolic output mode makes it easier to make sense of your answers: if your output is a rational fraction, a multiple of pi, or a square root, we’ll show you the result in those terms. In addition, we’ve added engineering output mode.
Behind the scenes, SciLine uses the gold standard for equation rendering—LaTeX—so your equations will always look great!
- Natural math formatting, including real fractions, square roots, and exponents
- Trigonomic and hyperbolic functions†
- Imaginary and complex numbers†
- Vectors and matrices†
- Over 50 physical and mathematical constants†
- Logarithms in any base, factorials, and absolute functions†
- Sum and product operators†
- Degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds†
- Dark mode
- Unlimited calculation history
Shake your device to toggle dark mode
Items marked with † are only available in the full version, which costs around $2.99. The full version will get always get full updates without extra purchases needed.