

EyesOnYou DashCam Plusのスクリーンショット

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「EyesOnYou DashCam Plus」スペック・仕様

Bongwook Bin
47.16 MB

EyesOnYou DashCam Plusの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
EyesOnYou Plus is the ad free version.

EyesOnYou App is a dash cam application on you iPhone.
EyesOnYou Interface is simple and user friendly.
EyesOnYou is a free, let you try and drive safely.

# It is recommended for these people.
1. Do you have useless iPhone?
2. Dashcam you've installed the app is not all useful.
3. It was uncomfortable to induce a paid app purchases.
4. Free version of the app features are not so useful.
5. Setting function is complex and difficult to use.
#Iamasingle #Ihaveagirlfriend #Iammarried #Ihaveachild

# Features
- Gapless recording when writing to the storage space. Automatically stop the recording and notification when the capacity is low.
- 30sec recording when the impact sensing
- Support loop-cycle recording(1min, 5min, 10min, 30min)
- Seamlessly switch back and front while recoding video Feature added
- Switch back and front camera by swipe gestures
- Add odometer, locations and app watermark while recording video
- Maximum / average speed, distance, travel time and travel path information display
- The recorded video is automatically saved as 'EyesOnYou' folder on the iPhone album.
- The recorded video lists.(Normal, Impact)
- Video Player
- Support all orientation video recording
- Support manual focus
- Black screen mode
- Switch between km/h and mph
- Support various resolutions(480p, 720p, 1080p) video recording
- Setting impact sensor sensitivity
- Audio Recording On / Off
- Beautiful speedometer
- Support maximum storage capacity setting and automatic capacity management function. (Old images are automatically deleted within the set capacity.)
- Displays the total video capacity currently stored.
- Support delete all in the recorded video list.
- Support various layouts from recorded video list.
- Support languages (English, Korean, Chinese(Simplified, Traditional), Japanese, Hindi)

# Hints
- Viewing angle in 640x480 resolution is wider than in 1280x720 or 1920x1080
- Device less heated and drains the battery more slowly in case of using 480p resolution
- We therefore recommend that you connect your phone to a power source in your vehicle and use a windscreen mount for recording video.
- Wish to play the music you using the App! Go to Setting and Turn off Voice Recording. +_+ Let's Party!!!

# If you any concern or qeustion, please do not hasitate to feedback to us.
We will follow and improve your optinitions.
mailto: superpapacorp@gmail.com
page: https://www.facebook.com/eyesonyouapp



